Tenants Organize Against Rent Increase at 1251 King West
Our neighbours at 1251 King are beginning to organize against an above guideline rent increase at their building. Their landlord, Nuspor Investments, is trying to raise the rent way above the guideline to make tenants pay for cosmetic renovations to the lobby and hallways. Meanwhile, the landlord ignores problems in units and expects our neighbours to live with pests, water damage and mould, and toilets which don’t work properly. The other day when one tenant of 30 years asked the building property manager why Nuspor is raising rents beyond what she and her neighbours can reasonably afford he replied “it’s business”.
Our neighbours have organized a building committee to fight the rent increase. They will make it their business to defend theirs and their neighbours’ homes and neighbourhood against landlords trying to price them out. Stayed tuned as their struggle develops!
Read more about housing struggles in the neighbourhood in the latest issue of This Is Parkdale newsletter.