Hannah Beats Eviction (Round One)!
Yesterday Hannah beat the eviction! The Landlord and Tenant Board dismissed the eviction because the landlord failed to pay compensation to the tenant before the eviction date.
At the hearing landlord Patrick Anderson was clearly shaken up and feeling the pressure from yesterday’s phone and email zap. We intend to escalate action against Anderson in the likely event he tries to evict Hannah again.
Patrick Anderson is a landlord who owns the house at 17 Callender Street in Parkdale. Hannah is a Parkdale tenant who has rented the upstairs unit in the house for three years.
In October Anderson evicted Hannah’s downstairs neighbour and moved his adult son in. Days later Hannah received an eviction notice from Anderson. The notice stated Anderson resides in the downstairs unit and needs the upstairs unit for his son. In reality, Anderson spends much of the year living in Ireland. When he visits Toronto he stays at a family home in Etobicoke. He also owns, and presumably rents out, a luxury condo in the building at 1 Bedford Road. The building was named the “Tower of Power” after how many rich Torontonians reside there.
In December members of Parkdale Organize delivered a demand letter to Anderson’s family home which he has chosen to ignore. Anderson is now dragging Hannah in front of the Landlord and Tenant Board to evict her. Hannah’s first date at the Board was January 7, 2020. Hannah is refusing to move out. She now needs the support of her neighbours in Parkdale.